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- 1. AJJC Nürnberg
Ju-Sports Grappling / MMA Workout Dummy anatomical / adult
Our grappling dummies are optimal accessories for vigourous training to particularly enhance fitness condition and throwing techniques of martial artists but can also be useful for other athletes since this type of exercising activates whole muscle groups and helps increase your core strength and stamina.
solid processing with multiple stitching and extremely durable, easily cleanable synthetic leather
anatomical shape enables realistic training
available in 3 weight categories: 30 kg (163 cm), 45 kg (173 cm), 60 kg (183 cm)
Forwarding expenses are weight-dependent, please ask for the shipping costs when ordering a larger number of units!
Ju-Sports Grappling / MMA Workout Dummy anatomical / junior
Our grappling dummies are optimal accessories for vigourous training to particularly enhance fitness condition and throwing techniques of martial artists but can also be useful for other athletes since this type of exercising activates whole muscle groups and helps to increase your core strength and stamina.
solid processing with multiple stitching and extremely durable, easily cleanable synthetic leather
anatomical shape enables realistic training
available in 2 weight categories: 15 kg (100 cm) and 25 kg (120 cm)
Forwarding expenses are weight-dependent, please ask for the shipping costs when ordering a larger number of units!