Kick shields are part of the basic equipment for martial arts and other combat sports. Our strike pads are perfectly suitable for exercising and improving your kicking and punching skills in terms of strength and technique.
Kick shields are part of the basic equipment for martial arts and other combat sports. Our strike pads are perfectly suitable for exercising and improving your kicking and punching skills in terms of strength and technique.
Kick shields are part of the basic equipment for martial arts and other combat sports. Our strike pads are perfectly suitable for exercising and improving your kicking and punching skills in terms of strength and technique.
material: robust riveted PU leather
dimensions: 40 x 20 x 11 cm
Kick shields are part of the basic equipment for martial arts and other combat sports. Our strike pads are perfectly suitable for exercising and improving your kicking and punching skills in terms of strength and technique.
Kick shields and pads are part of the basic equipment for martial arts and other combat sports. Here we have a high-quality, burst-proof product which is perfectly suitable for exercising and improving your kicking and punching skills in terms of strength and technique.
Kick shields and focus mitts are part of the basic equipment for martial arts and other combat sports. Here we have the innovative two-in-one version which is perfectly suitable for exercising and improving your kicking and punching skills in terms of strength and technique.
dimensions: 40 x 23 x 10 cm
two handles and one additional bridge handle for optimal grip
high density foam core for maximum shock absorption
side air slots for pressure relief and burst prevention
bended construction
supplied singly
Kick shields and focus mitts are part of the basic equipment for martial arts and other combat sports. Here we have the innovative two-in-one version which is perfectly suitable for exercising and improving your kicking and punching skills in terms of strength and technique.
dimensions: 42 x 24 x 9 cm
two handles and one additional bridge handle for optimal grip
high density foam core for maximum shock absorption
side air slots for pressure relief and burst prevention
supplied singly
Kick shields are part of the basic equipment for martial arts and other combat sports. Our strike pads are perfectly suitable for exercising and improving your kicking and punching skills in terms of strength and technique.
Kick shields are part of the basic equipment for martial arts and other combat sports. Our strike pads are perfectly suitable for exercising and improving your kicking and punching skills in terms of strength and technique.
dimensions: 75 x 36 x 12 / 24 cm
three handles for optimal grip
high density foam core for maximum shock absorption
supplied singly
Kick shields are part of the basic equipment for martial arts and other combat sports. Our strike pads are perfectly suitable for exercising and improving your kicking and punching skills in terms of strength and technique.
Kick shields and focus mitts are part of the basic equipment for martial arts and other combat sports. Here we have the innovative two-in-one version which is perfectly suitable for exercising and improving your kicking and punching skills in terms of strength and technique.
material: durable PU
dimensions: 65 x 45 x 14 cm
three handles and two additional strap for optimal grip
aero punch technology for better shock absorption
side air slots for pressure relief and burst prevention
carbon-textured, bended construction
supplied singly
Punching shields are part of the basic equipment for martial arts and other combat sports. This striking pad with handy grips is perfectly suitable for exercising and improving your kicking and punching skills in terms of strength and technique.
cover material: durable PU
dimensions: Ø ca. 39 cm
Kick shields and focus mitts are part of the basic equipment for martial arts and other combat sports. Here we have the innovative two-in-one version which is perfectly suitable for exercising and improving your kicking and punching skills in terms of strength and technique.
Das neu entwickelte Thai-Pad Assassin ist optimal geeignet für hartes Schlag- und Kicktraining. Die Neuheit ist die gepolsterte Unterarmschiene auf der Rückseite des Schlagpolsters. Diese Schiene fixiert mit Hilfe des extra breiten Klettbandes den Unterarm schnell, sicher und stabil am Schlagpolster. In Verbindung mit dem stabilen Handgriff sitzt das Polster bombenfest auch bei härtesten Trainingseinheiten! Dieses Schlagpolster ist hervorragend verarbeitet, alle hoch belasteten Bereiche sind aus echtem Leder gefertigt. Die Griffe sind genäht und genietet, das gewährleistet lange Haltbarkeit. Die gute Dämpfung bei relativ geringem Gewicht lässt Dich das Training mühelos bestehen! Der Verkauf erfolgt stückweise.
Maße: 38 x 20 cm, 11 cm dick
STABILITÄT: Das Unterarm-Pad "Assassin" ist extrem stabil und hält den Schlägen und Tritten im Taekwondo, Kickboxen, Karate, Thaiboxen, MMA und anderen Sportarten stand. Durch die Nieten und die dicken Garne ist das Polster extrem haltbar.
MAßE UND OPTIK: Die sensationelle Carbon-Optik macht beim Training gleich richtig Spaß - Gesamtlänge des Pads ist 38 cm, es ist ca. 20 cm breit und 11 cm dick.
POLSTER UND SCHUTZ: Die Trainings-Pads aus Kunstleder haben innen zwei gepolsterte Schichten für maximalen Schutz und Funktionalität. Die Schaumstoffschichten im Inneren der Hand-Pratzen sorgen für perfekte Kraftverteilung beim Auftreffen der Kicks und Schläge.
QUALITÄT: Die Ju-Sports Thai-Pads sind langlebig und für viele Trainingsstunden konzipiert. Sie können von Damen und Herren benutzt werden in den folgenden Sportarten: Thai-Boxen, Ju-Jutsu, Krav Maga, Kung Fu, Taekwondo, Karate, Kickboxen, Boxen, Muay Thai und vielen anderen Stilen.
Trefferflächen aus echtem Leder
Innovative Unterarmschiene für perfekten Halt
Schneller Partnerwechsel durch einen zentralen Klettverschluss
Hochwertige Polsterung mit exzellenter Schlagabsorbierung
Perfekt geeignet zum Üben von Kicks im Thaiboxen, Taekwondo, Kickboxen etc.
Punching shields are part of the basic equipment for martial arts and other combat sports. This striking pad with handy grips is perfectly suitable for exercising and improving your kicking and punching skills in terms of strength and technique.
cover material: durable PU
dimensions: Ø ca. 32 cm
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